These delicious ANZAC biscuits are the quintessential classic Aussie and New Zealand recipe that originated from World War 1. These deliciously sweet golden biscuits are super easy to make and can be all done in less than 20 minutes. They are a great snack to have for morning or afternoon tea.

I can’t answer for the New Zealanders out there, but there would not be one child in Australia who didn’t make, eat or know about delicious ANZAC Biscuits. ANZAC stands for “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps” and these biscuits are traditionally made to commemorate ANZAC Day on the 25th April each year. ANZAC biscuits were originally made by the wives and mothers of soldiers fighting in the war and were sent to them in packages. The recipe was great because the biscuits would last for quite a few weeks weeks.

In the spirit of Anzac Day, we make them every year. You don’t need much either to be able to make them as the ingredients are all pantry staples and you most likely have them there already. I love having these once a year as it makes them a little more special making them with my little one and also teaching her new skills and knowledge. If you don’t know the actual history behind the Anzac Biscuit look it up as it’s quite interesting how people coped during war times and just used what they had. I hope you all have a few biscuits yourselves on Anzac Day and if you haven’t, it’s still no too late to make some. Enjoy!